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"Empowering Your Birth Experience: The Role of a Doula"

Writer's picture: The Liverpool DoulaThe Liverpool Doula


Research shows that the benefits of having a doula are...

  • Reduced risk of Caesarean birth

  • Reduced risk of instrumental birth (forceps)

  • Reduced need for painkillers or epidural during birth

  • Reduced rate of induction of labour

  • Shorter labour time

  • Increased parental satisfaction with the birth experience.

  • Increased likelihood of initiating breastfeeding

  • Increased likelihood of successfully establishing breastfeeding & breastfeeding at 6 weeks

  • Lower incidence of postnatal depression

A doula is somebody who provides unconditional support and reassurance to a woman and her family through the transitional stages of pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period.  


Doulas are not medically trained and do not take on a clinical role, instead we provide continuous emotional, physical, mental and spiritual support as needed, we can also advocate on your behalf and communicate with healthcare providers regarding your wishes.


As doulas we cannot give advice however, we can provide informational support to help you make informed decisions about your maternity care.

Hiring a doula can improve your birth experience massively, having somebody there who can advocate for you, be an emotional support system as well as help to nurture & care for you during the labour and birth of your baby can help you feel so supported.

My role as your doula means we build a trusting 2 way relationship, I am there for you for talk to about any worries or concerns you may have, to be a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. I am here as an emotional support system as well as offering practical care during your birth such as feeding you snacks, making sure you're hydrated and that you have everything you need to be comfortable during your journey through labour, birth and into the post-partum.

I cover women giving birth across the North West, including Liverpool, the Wirral, Warrington and Cheshire.

Alongside my doula role I offer placenta remedies, including. placenta pills (placenta encapsulation), placenta tincture, placenta cosmetics and placenta & cord art.

I am a qualified massage therapist specialising in pregnancy and post-partum massage and love to offer these services to help to relax pregnant and new mothers aches and pains.

What we as doulas can do...

  • Be an unconditional ally and support system throughout

  • Signpost you to evidence based information to help you make informed choices

  • Provide emotional support & be a listening ear

  • Help with relaxation techniques breathing, movement, positioning, birth pool etc.

  • Create a calm birth environment

  • Provide soothing touch with massage or acupressure

  • Provide aromatherapy

  • Hold space for you

  • Advocate on your behalf 

  • Small tasks around the house

  • Supporting dad/birthing partner in their new role as parent

  • Provide continuous support and care in to the postpartum period

What we as doulas cannot do...

  • Tell you what to do or decide

  • Clinical tasks such as vaginal examinations or fetal heart rate monitoring

  • Give medical advice or diagnoses

  • Make decisions on your behalf

  • Catch the baby

  • Give our own opinion or views

  • Change shift or leave earlier than arranged

Your relationship with your doula is such a special one, when picking your doula always make sure that you have a connection with them as they will be a part of the most significant, monumental day of your life; the day you meet your new baby!



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